Endocrine Neoplasia Research Lab - Homepage

Probing the underlying causes and consequences of endocrine tumors
The Endocrine Neoplasia Lab

Probing the underlying causes and consequences of endocrine tumors
The Endocrine Neoplasia Lab

Novel Targeted Therapies
The Endocrine Neoplasia Lab

Selected Research Projects

The Endocrine Neoplasia Research Laboratory employs multiple novel approaches for investigating human tumor biology. Methods currently in use include live tissue ex vivo interrogative assays, live and fixed cell epifluorescence microscopy with confocal and intact tissue imaging, single-cell and bulk tissue transcriptional and genomic profiling, single cell spatial profiling, and other cutting edge molecular and biochemical tools.

James Koh, PhD, was awarded $3.8 million over five years (2023-2028) by the NIH as the principal investigator
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Our mission is to develop the next generation of leaders in academic surgery.
Julie Ann Sosa, M.D., FACS,
Leon Goldman, MD Distinguished Professor of Surgery and Chair, Department of Surgery
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A gift to the Endocrine Neoplasia Research Lab enables us to discover treatments and cures for endocrine cancers and for their early detection.